Well, due to a scheduling SNAFU, Monica ended up being able to keep her first doctor's appointment today. The doctor said that she thinks Monica is about 10 - 11 weeks pregnant, which would make her due date somewhere around the winter solstice (December 21st), 3 days after my birthday. So maybe I'll end up sharing my birthday with our first born, but who knows.
On Thursday Monica will go for another ultrasound, which should give us a better idea of how far along the pregnancy has actually progressed, and hopefully narrow down the birth window a bit more. Beyond that, we don't know much else at the moment. Monica is stoked though, let me tell you! The doctor's visit today made everything seem more "real"; solidified the reality that we're going to have a baby! She was SO excited, she came home and passed out on the couch, after a dinner of leftovers from yesterday's cookout. She's been really tired lately, as her hormone levels are changing and her body is adjusting to it's new occupant, but she also left our house around 6 AM this morning, to drive to Duluth for Home Depot training (which it turned out she WASN'T schedule for), so she made that whole drive, and left the house that early for nothing. But, as previously mentioned, it enabled her to keep her doctor's appointment, so all's well that ends well.
I guess that's about it for now. I've been really sleepy myself lately, and have found myself in the bathroom more frequently than usual. It's one of the wonderful gifts I have...being extremely empathic to those I'm close to. I sometimes feel the things that are happening to them, like I was experiencing them personally. It's going to be a LONG pregnancy, full of potential nausea for both of us! But at least I can explain the cravings easily...does anyone ELSE want donuts??? *g*
Stay tuned. More information will be available as we find it out. Thanks for stopping by.
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